Monday, November 17, 2008

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Hello FPRA Treasure Coast!

Time sure flies when you are having fun and these weeks sure fly by quickly! I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s monthly business meeting here in Stuart. I hope to see many of you as we hear from Alexis Walkenstein, Director of Communications for the Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach. She will share her story of “How Public Relations Played a Role in the Elections” from the Catholic Church’s perspective.

There's still time to renew your FPRA membership! The membership renewal period officially ended on October 31. If you have not renewed your membership by the end of November, you will no longer receive member services. On December 31, 2008, your name will officially be removed from the rolls and you will incur a $25 late fee to reinstate your membership. As incentive to retain members this year, the State launched a promotion called “Invest in Yourself.” There is no better time to “Invest in Yourself” than during a tough economy. And now FPRA is going to reward you for renewing your FPRA membership and “Investing in Yourself!” By renewing now, you will be eligible to win Travelocity dollars, FPRA “bucks” and Visa “cash.”

It is with a sad heart that I have to announce we are losing our Treasurer, Debi Malcomson. Debi was our Rising Star Award recipient last year and has done an outstanding job with our financials. At the end of the year, Debi is moving to Virginia to be with “the love of her life” and she will be sorely missed by all of us at FPRA. I hope you will join me in wishing Debi the best of luck and happy trails in her new adventure! By the way, that means we are on the lookout for a new Treasurer. I am happy to take nominations, referrals and volunteers. Please don’t make me beg!! :-)

It is my pleasure to announce that FPRA Immediate Past President Suzanne Sparling, APR, will be the Treasure Coast Chapter liaison. Suzanne is a long-time member of the Space Coast Chapter and a former president. She has served at the state level for six years now in various VP, President-Elect and President positions. She is definitely a valuable resource for our chapter and someone who is always willing to lend a helping hand.

While we plan an article in our newsletter about Suzanne, please know that in her everyday work, she is the VP/Investor Relations for United Way of Brevard County, a mom for two young sons and is currently working on her master’s degree at University of Central Florida. Talk about energy! Hope she’ll share some of that with us!! Thanks, Suzanne, for signing up for your neighboring chapter.

Just a reminder that it’s never too early to start thinking of silent and LIVE auction items for the annual FPR Education Foundation fundraiser at annual conference 2009. We don’t need the gifts until summer, but as you get ideas drifting through your heads and onto your holiday lists, there might be something there that would make a great auction item. Get in touch with Adrienne Moore, APR, CPRC, to let her know about any ideas. Don’t forget some of your vendors, sponsors and friends have great items as well.

One last item…FPRA, AdFed and AFP will join forces to mix and mingle holiday style at the newly opened Port St. Lucie City Center on Tuesday, December 9th from 4-7 p.m. This event will be a fundraiser for the Treasure Coast Food Bank.

Thank you and have a wonderful week!


Kathleen Taylor said...

Your posts energize my PR efforts and FPRA enthusiasm all the way across the state!
Keeping in touch from the Southwest Florida Chapter,
Kathleen Taylor, President-Elect

Linette Trabulsy said...

I can't believe I have my first comment!!! Thanks, Kathleen. You guys really do rock!