Thursday, September 25, 2008

Watching the Pieces Fall Into Place

Good morning Treasure Coast,

Thanks for all the patience and kind feedback last week while attempting to launch the blog. I guess the third time was the charm!

As you saw last week, not only did we launch the blog we distributed the first Chapter newsletter of the year. Thanks so much to Misti Guertin, APR, of Regan Communications and Erick Gill of St. Lucie County for their efforts in getting out the newsletter. Misti redesigned the entire newsletter and did a beautiful job. The feedback from the membership ~ and from the FPRA Executive Committee and State Board members ~ was fantastic. We are well on our way to Chapter of the Year! I can feel it…the enthusiasm and teamwork is outstanding! If you missed seeing the newsletter, check it out on our website: Feel free to submit information by October 1 to Sarah Starr of VNA at for the next issue.

On another communications note, the Chapter made the business section of the Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers on Saturday, Sept. 20th thanks to the efforts of our Communications Chairman Erick Gill and his fellow committee member Mark Weinberg of the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office. So far, this duo has written and released three press releases for the Chapter. I suspect we’ll be seeing more and more coverage in the media regarding our events and projects. Way to go guys! The Chapter was also recognized and congratulated during the morning news on WQCS 88.9 FM on Wednesday, Sept. 24th thanks to the efforts of Adrienne Moore, APR, CPRC.

The Board held a Strategic Planning meeting on Friday and made some ambitious plans for this year. Thanks to the Board Members who participated and shared their ideas and efforts for our Chapter.

Membership renewals are underway. Our new Membership Chair, Nancy McCarthy, APR, has set a Chapter goal of 83 members this year. We reached our goal of 75 members last year, and with determination and persistence, I'm sure we can reach this ambitious goal. If you know of a potential member, please forward the information to Nancy at and she will follow up.

In an effort to bring the Chapter to a new level of professionalism and continuity, we’ve opened a P.O. Box in Stuart. The new address is FPRA-Treasure Coast, P.O. BOX 2678, Stuart, FL 34995. Thanks to Debi Malcomson, Riverside Bank, for coordinating this effort.

Congratulations to Krista Garofalo, director of communications and marketing, and Judy Cruz, vice president of resource development of the United Way of St. Lucie County. They made the Monday, Sept. 22nd edition of the Palm Beach Post’s Notables showcasing the United Way’s donation from the St. Lucie Mets! Good job!

Don’t forget to RSVP online for the Oct. 14th monthly business meeting ~ Facebook, LinkedIn and Blogging for Dummies! This should be an exciting and fun event where everyone will get the opportunity to explore the world of social networking as three local public relations professionals share the basics of creating and maintaining a blog, developing a Facebook group, and establishing a LinkedIn profile. Social networking is quickly becoming an effective means of viral marketing and communication that opens the door for increased exposure for you, your business, your clients and your events. The cost is $20 for FPRA members and $25 for non-members. The reservation deadline is Oct. 9. Make your reservations online now at or by calling Programs Chairman Cara Perry, director of University Relations at FAU Treasure Coast Campus, at (772) 873-3339 or e-mail at

Bryan Beaty, President-Elect, will be in charge of the Chapter this Thursday-Sunday as I will be on a Disney Cruise celebrating the big 4-0 with my family! If you need to reach him, please contact him by e-mail at or at (772) 462-4804. Remember, together we can build a network of professionals and put all the pieces of the puzzle together to form a great Chapter. When we all work together, anything is possible. Thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm.

Have a great week!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Welcome to FPRA Treasure Coast Chapter's BLOG!

Hello and welcome to my first blog! Like many of you, I've heard about blogging over and over again, but never tried it. I hope you'll enjoy receiving weekly messages from me via this blog and hope this inspires you to try blogging for yourself!

Just a couple of quick items to start off your week, since the Installation Ceremony on Sept. 9th and even before that, many people have been working very hard to make the 2008-09 FPRA Treasure Coast year great. We want to bring VALUE to you, the members, in many different ways. Value for your dollar, value for your time and value for your profession. Together, we can build a network of professionals and put all the pieces of the puzzle together to form a great chapter. The goal for this year is to be Chapter of the Year! If we all work together, anything is possible.

Don't forget to join us for the first professional development opportunity this year for our monthly business meeting on October 14th at the IRSC Schreiber Center in St. Lucie West called, "Facebook, LinkedIn and Blogging for Dummies." Three experienced professionals, Bryan Beaty, Felonice Margasak and Scott Samples, will guide us through this unchartered territory on the web with hands-on experiences and opportunities. You don't want to miss this event! Register and pay online now at

Speaking of websites, have you checked out your Chapter's website recently? You will be amazed at how wonderful and beautiful it is. Thanks so much to Global Design, Inc. and Linda Probst for all of the hard work that went into this awesome site. Check it out and come back often as new content is constantly being added! This past week, we added photos from the State's Annual Conference and Golden Image Awards Ceremony, the Chapter's Installation Ceremony and the first PR Workshop hosted by the Indian River Council. You'll also find this year's calendar of events, so you can mark your calendars for the entire year and never miss an exciting event hosted by the Chapter.

That's it for now. Have a blogtastic week!

Linette Trabulsy